When Church units hold activities on non-Church property, that organization may want a certificate of insurance
that will not hold that property or organization liable for anything that happens at that location.
The Risk Management Division of the Church has developed an on-line resource for these Church units to obtain a
certificate of insurance. The Church unit or activity leader goes to
https://insurancecertificates.lds.org and
provides the requested information. (Individuals will need to login into their Church account after they click
the link “Certificate of Insurance”). Once the information is provided, the certificate is printed by Risk
Management and sent to the unit or activity leader the Certificate of Insurance.
Organizations may also want proof of medical coverage in the event of an accident or injury. Proof of medical
assistance through CAMA can be provided when Church unit leaders complete a fillable electronic version of a
Verification Form. Instructions on how to complete the form are on the second page.
This form can be printed and provides some detail about CAMA such as what kind of assistance is available, some
of the limitations of the program, and how a person requests assistance.